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Budget Management & Credit Counseling

Did you know that families who receive financial literacy education and credit counseling are 20 times less likely to lose their homes to foreclosure? At NHSB, we believe the road to ­financial empowerment is financial education!

Making the decision to take control of your finances is the first step, but we also understand it can be the hardest. Our certified credit counselors can help you take control of your financial future by working with you to:

  • Increase your credit score
  • Create a realistic monthly budget
  • Manage your credit cards and use credit responsibly
  • Set up a savings plan that allows you to meet your short and long-term ­financial goals.
  • Protect your assets from identity theft and other forms of ­financial fraud.

Schedule your appointment with one of our certifi­ed credit counselors TODAY!

Call (205) 328-4292.

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